The Good Man

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Not to be confused with The Good Wife, which I do not believe I have ever seen? Have you? I’m getting off track. My title is because I am bragging on my husband.

He does not like his photo on here, so sometimes you might see his arm or part of a person. He has a great smile and I find him so handsome, but he walks away from a camera. He is Patient and ever Kind. He is a True Blessing from above.

Our life changed awhile back, and we experience hardship, as do others. But through all the misery and pain, there was this man, my husband, who is my angel.

He recently started working from home, and he noticed my struggle on my older computer. I tried to work with Internet problems due to moving to the country, then my computer started to slow down to the point that I could not work on my stories, and poems. I could not put Photos to my WordPress Sites. That feeling of poor me, and grouchiness set in.

Little did I know, but a surprise was on the way. Yesterday, a new computer arrived! I had to wait for the two computers to communicate, as they transferred my information from the old computer to the new. I found this exciting! Ok, Really Cool. 🙂

As the day progressed, he noticed dark circles under my eyes. He became concerned, and I told him I was suffering from a sinus headache. Before I could think, he had my blanket, pillow, and I was on the couch with the Kong Movie going. He made Supper, and he praised me for going to bed early.

He makes me smile and laugh every single day. I am so proud of him and hope that I always take great care of him. I am Proud of him. I am Happy to be married to my best friend. A Christian man who loves the Lord, and loves his life.

This is just a few special qualities to list of a man who is always consistently sweet-

  • Always Positive-Think on this. He is not Negative, and Positive is always present. Negativity does not enter, never having a chance, instead Positivity blossoms.
  • Praises me Daily-He lists my Strong Qualities. He is my Cheerleader
  • Daily Bible Reading-Very Simple. We both have the bible.com app on our phone and our computers. We share what we think of the verse, and if we are struggling, we read the whole chapter.
  • He Stays in Contact with our Children-Several times a week he checks on his children and encourages them and tells them he loves them.
  • He Works Hard Daily at his Job-No Sick Days, He just gets up and does his work thoroughly.
  • He Works Hard Daily on Our Farm-No Sick Days Allowed! LOL Rain, Snow, Cold, Hot, he is taking care of the animals.
  • He is Very Giving-He loves to Surprise me with gifts and his family also.
  • He is very Organized-Lists and new Ideas are always flowing
  • He always kisses me goodnight and says a prayer for our whole family and friends.
  • He loves to hold hands. Tells me he loves me.To talk of our future. To spend time with me.

Because of him, I am extremely spoiled. And, I just wanted to brag on him.

Do you do special things for your family and friends? What might someone list as your attributes, your character, and your blessings?

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